TK1 BH Tasapainon Aamu-Usva
picture: Marja Karake

- hips: A/A
- elbows: 0/0
- shoulders: OCD free (also in preliminary x-rays)
- spinal: LTV0 VA0
- eyes: ECVO clear as puppy
- gene tests: full MDD panel clear
Obedience: Class 1 (TK1)
Working trials: searching
Others: nosework, agility (basics)

Vanja is a puppy of Troija and Kiiru, and it seems that Jeriko's "emperor" gene has been passed on quite nicely, and on the other hand, many similar character traits, although Vanja is clearly more lively and faster in her reactions than her grandfather. I am satisfied with the entire litter, even if there is a little variation between the individuals, and it would seem that, despite her small sensitivity, Troija also passes along features of her father, and I feel that I got exactly what I was hoping for in the litter when I wanted to combine Troija with a more confident male.
What Katja says about Vanja: "Vanja has shown excellent potential as a sport dog. You can find the drive and desire to do in this girl! In addition, the ability to get fired up and calm down is natural and that is a quality I value in Vanja.
We have both toys and treats, but the social reward also gets Vanja fired up. I had to be quite aware with the bright youngster, and even though I have gotten few grey hairs at times, building a common bubble with Vanja has been really rewarding for the handler. I am so satisfied that Vanja is my sport friend and a member of our family.
In family life, Vanja listens well also to the younger members of the family. Vanja fits in very well with our other dog and cat. However, Vanja is such an independent case that it is good to keep the boundaries clear.
Vanja has a strong prey drive and we have had to work on this issue with the game. The smell or after-sights of game do not cause challenges, and cars, bikes and other toys do not cause a reaction in Vanja. Vanja might use her voice after our own children if the children are too far running/biking etc from Vanja's mind.
At home, Vanja hasn't really distroyd anything, and she is free in the house day and night. Vanja travels well in the car and calms down quickly even in a strange places when there is no activity available.
Sports: obedience, Finnish national working trial / searching (summer) and agility (winter).