PAIM2 PPR1 RTK1 Kautuksen Gamma
- born 6.3.2019
- sire: FI AVA FI TVA FI KVA-IFH JK3 HK2 BH PAIM2 PPR1 RTK2 Briskness Jack Daniel's
- dam: Kautuksen Blenda
- breeder: Nanna Aho / Kautuksen
- KoiraNet
picture: Miikku Pietilä / MiikKuvaan

- hips: A/A
- elbows: 0/0
- shoulders :OCD free
- spinal: LTV0 VA0, SP0 (5/24)
- knees: 0/0
- eyes: ECVO (3/2024) and gonoscopy clear (9/2021)
- gene tests: carrier for EAOD- and BCG, clear for other MDD-tests
- scissor bite, full dentition
- Obedience: novice, ALO1
- agility: pikkumaksi-1 agility courses, jumping class-3
- herding: class 2 (PAIM2 PPR1)
- rally obedience: class 1 (RKT1)
- shows: excellent with qualification, resume-SERT
- character test: +138

Troija is from the litter of Jeriko and Mandi. I thought for a long time about one of the male puppies, but in the end Troija attracted me and I decided to be encouraged to take the first female dog. To be honest, I'm more of a male dog person, and there has been some things I have had to get used to.
Troija is very intelligent and thoughtful. Many things where I got through with Jeriko by just cutting corners with his training, don't work quite the same with his daughter. Words/commands and how they are said matter to Troija, as Jeriko didn't always seem to listen to them at all. So I have to be careful which verbal commands I use and in which context.
Troija is more sensitive than her father, and in the beginning we went through pressure and a nasty cycle because I myself got frustrated with Troija's freezing. However, those times have long been over, and cooperation with Troija is really pleasant.
In obedience, Troija would have wildly more potential than my training pace gives her opportunities. She is very cooperative and precise in what she does, and I see an opportunity to create really great performances. Heelwork is a full 10. Troija does't vocalize while working.
In Agility, Troija has not used her full speed potential yet, but she is getting there. Contact obstacles are the biggest motivation killer for me, but we both are progressing with them, so maybe we will get them ready for competition some day. At the moment we are doign only jumping courses.
We weren't originally supposed to do herding with Troija at all. I thought that I already have a "real" working dog here, so I wouldn't do it with Troija as a hobby. However, Troija decided otherwise. She forced herself into the inclosure of the sheep for the first time at 10 weeks old and gathered the rams on the fence. At her first summer, I used Troija for help in deworming the sheep in the pasture: Troija gathered the sheep for me naturally without orders or training, I caught one sheep and medicated it, and in the meantime Troija gathered again the herd that had broken up during the catch. It is very natural for Troija to do outruns and gathering, but driving away or in general convincing control of sheep are not Troja's strengths and for this reason I do not see her continuing after class 2.
Now that we got IGBH obedience alongside our Finnish national working trials, I have started training tracking for Troija with a goal for trials. Troija is very good tracking dog, very precise like her father.
Troija has no food sensitivities, itching or other symptoms, and she is a fundamentally healthy dog, but she has broken a toe and torn several nails, for which the vet has been used for more than mere vaccinations.
All in all, Troija is a really happy, loving, clever and utterly lovable Little Girl. Troija has good motivation and a great desire to please. Troija works with toys, treats and a social rewards. When it comes to food, Troy is very greedy! She is not confident in the company of strange dogs, and would not like to meet new dogs, but she does not bark or get aggressive either. Troija would just like to be left alone. Troija has a good nervous structure as a companion for her liveliness, but occasionally in everyday life she gets bit too excited, for example, when waiting to get out, and she loves to run at full speed. Other than that she has stable mindset and I can take her anywhere. Otherwise, Troija is quite inconspicuous at home, and doesn't get overly excited at training or competition.